Our Ministries
We are called to be the heart, hands, and feet of Christ in our village and in the world, sharing the love of God in our daily lives. We believe in Christ's command to be there for the hungry, the thirsty, the poor, the lonely, the sick, the aimless and the marginalized, so we live out our vision through many programs and so minister with all our sisters and brothers in the Kingdom of God. We proclaim the salvation of God in Jesus Christ for all people. We welcome everyone. And we nurture our life in the Spirit through worship, service, prayer, music, education, mission, outreach, and pastoral care.


“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there among them” (NRSV)
Matthew 18:20
The church is called to worship. We proclaim God’s Word. We sing anthems of praise, traditional and new. We have choirs, bells, ensemble, and youth jam. We pray for one another and for the world. We have children’s time. Youth are worship leaders. We celebrate the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting. We give praise for God's love in Christ that never lets us go. By the grace of God, we are the Body of Christ in the world today.
Laity Assistance Schedule
We as a church are made up of many wonderful people who give their time and talents generously. Click on the link below to access upcoming church duties (choirs, greeters/ushers, counters, nursery, children's time, lay readers, multimedia, sound, and Elders of the Week). The schedule is updated about twice a year. If you have questions about it, please contact the Church Office.
Laity Assistance Schedule
(Check back often for updates/changes)
Music Ministries
Lois Reese, Music Director
(757) 595-1313
Choirs for all ages!
Our musical groups offer a variety of ways for musicians of all ages to lead worship, through singing, ringing, drumming, and strumming. Worship is essential and central to the Christian community. Through our choirs, we strive to teach our children and youth how to be good stewards of their time and talents and how to be active participants in worship. There is no audition necessary to be a member of any of our groups. If you have a talent to share, please come join us! Contact Music Director, Lois Reese at music@hiltonpres.org
Junior Jam: Grades K-5
Rehearsal: Sundays during Sunday Groups
Adult Choir:
Rehearsal: Wednesdays 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Ensemble: High School and Adults
Rehearsal: Alternating Wednesdays 7:30-8:30 pm
Hilton Ringers: Grade 6 through Adults
Rehearsal: Tuesdays 6:00-7:00 pm
Sunshine Singers: Adults
Rehearsal: 2nd and 4th Thursday 10:30-11:15 am

High Notes Music: founded in the fall of 2018 by HPC music director, Lois Reese, offers classes for people of all ages. MusikGarten classes for PreK children, Drumming Up the Fun for K-2, a world percussion ensemble for middle school through adult and private lessons by appointment. Check out the website for complete information on classes.
Mission & Outreach
To the Ends of the Earth
We all witness, in many different ways, through our missions programs. Volunteers in mission are active here in the community, our youth and adults plan mission trips, and our congregation supports a missionary family in Mexico with prayer and financial backing. We also have a special relationship with our sister church, Brikin Presbyterian in Kinshasa, DRC. (Congo Mission Network)
Community Missions
Our local area offers several opportunities for mission service. Our Mission ministry coordinates our participation with these and other charitable organizations:
Peninsula Pastoral Counseling Center: We are a partner church. Parishioners can visit the website to make an appointment.
Virginia Peninsula Foodbank/THRIVE: We collect non-perishable items year-round and give them to one of these local organizations. -
LINK of Hampton Roads and PORT Homeless Shelter: Volunteers contribute in many ways, including donations of time and clothing for all seasons.

Other ways we witness:
Participating in Christopher Newport University's campus ministry Flourish CNU
Giving to the Special Offerings of the PCUSA
Hosting and supporting local blood drives through the American Red Cross (Sponsor Code: HiltonAC)​

For more information about serving in these capacities, please contact the Church Office via email or phone (757-595-1313).
Our Missionary Family
Tom & Nancy Rach
Chiapas, Mexico
The Rachs have been serving in Chiapas, Mexico since 1996 with Equip International (Marion, NC). Their ministry has always been based upon building relationships,although their evangelism methods have changed over the years. Originally, they did community
development projects such as water storage tanks, latrines, and stoves. Through these projects, the Rachs were able to build relationships with the homeowners and their families and have had the opportunity to share Jesus with them. More recently, they have done less development and more counseling work. They are holding Open Hearts workshops, where people begin to recognize, and deal with emotional wounds from childhood abuse and neglect (emotional, physical, sexual, spiritual) and the patterns they have brought with them into their adult lives.
Click on the image below to read "Chiapas Chatter" - our news from the Rachs!
Christian Education​
Children's Ministries
At Hilton Presbyterian, ministering to children and families is a top priority. We seek to help children discover God’s love for them and learn to share that love with their families, friends, and the world around them. We have many opportunities for education and growth for our children, including Sunday Groups -- September through May, and Children's Time during worship.
Sunday Groups, 11:00 am (September - May)​
Grades K-5
Youth Ministries
The goal of our youth programs is that all members know the love of God in their lives, and explore what it means to be a Christian. We try to answer the questions of youth primarily through the friendships that we build with each other, and through opportunities to serve and share in our community.
Sunday Groups, 11:00 am (September - May)
Grades 6-12

Adult Ministries
HPC offers a wide range of adult programs. God is at work here, doing what only God can do; transforming lives by bringing people together. We encourage the spiritual formation of our congregation through the sharing of our gifts in study, service, and prayer.
Dig a Little Deeper - This group digs into the morning worship scriptures for deeper discussion, but also makes time to share joys and concerns, offer pastoral care, and pray for one another each week.
Sundays at 11 am
Bible Study - Offered once in the fall and once in the spring, these are 6-8 week offerings that focus on a particular topic or book of the Bible. Fall 2024 - Women in the Bible. Spring 2025 - TBD.
Sundays at 11 am
Solomon's Porch Book Study
Sundays, 6:00-7:00 pm via Zoom (September - May)
Other Opportunities
​Presbyterian Women
Meets the 3rd Saturday of each month at 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall
Keenagers -- 55 and Up
The Keenagers meet on the first Thursday of each month. The group also schedules outings and trips during the year. Call Barbara Savage or contact the office to add your name to the mailing list.
More classes/activities are added throughout the year. In addition to those listed, you can contact the Church Office for more information.
Useful Links
Congregational Care and Fellowship
There are many references in the Bible regarding the importance of caring for one another and being hospitable to others. We take this mission to heart as we consider the needs of our congregation. Through Congregational Care, we strive to provide care for members of our congregation in a variety of ways. Perhaps a meal or transportation is needed, or something as simple as a phone call, card or visit. Prayer requests are a priority and the entire congregation plays an important role in responding to these requests. We also offer to support our church family members during times of loss with a memorial or funeral reception.
Opportunities for fellowship range from lemonade socials, church picnics, luncheons, dinners, and ice cream socials, to attending sporting events. We are always up for a fun time together especially if food is involved!
Congregational Care and Fellowship is not limited to its committee members, we all strive to care for others and enjoy fun and good times together.